(from a quite while back.... but i don't want it on FB XD )
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
1. I like to hug MY soft pillows (not any other pillow), probably a habit i had since i was a kid
2. I drool when I fall asleep, anywhere on the bus or on my pillow ((掩面逃))
3. I like to take photographs. Not because I am a brilliant photographer, but because I like to keep all these precious memories, and look back to them from time to time, of the happy and the sad.
4. I dreamed of traveling around the world to enjoy different breeze and different culture, and to take photos!
5. I hope I can walk on Mars someday, and of course I need to come back safely to upload on to flickr
6. I don't plurk (eventhough a lot of temptation) or FB a lot, coz i got a blog and msn!
7. I don't understand why I have ppl on my msn, but ppl write on my wall on FB.
8. I like blogging, coz I don't write well... so i share photos!
9. I almost got a nose surgery when i was small... coz i stuck a pinball in there, which sacred the hell out of my parents. (don't know how that happened Orz)
10. I have a blue mole on my face and when I was little, people thought I drew it with a felt pen.
11. I'm not an outgoing person, so take me a while to mingle.
12. I don't watch horror movies, coz I dream of them, in the bath room, on the wall, and in my sleep.
13. Movies that relate to kids or puppy can make me cry.
14. I like to learn stuffs on my own, stuffs that interest me.
15. I have really really good patience when it comes to stuffs that are both interesting and challenging.
16. I have only slept over in UBC once, I hope it won't ever happened again.
17. I don't mind working, coz common~ money is still important after all~
18. I can travel with this money, I can enjoy restaurant I like with this money, and I can buy stuffs I need with this money.
19. I have never dyed my hair before.... i like it black =]
20. I love milk.
21. I like anything with milk, so that includes coffee, milk tea, Baileys, and yes, even Chai!
22. I even 偷吃 milk powder when i was a kid, and my mom said that's why my grandma has the weird habit of hiding her milk powder (from me Orz)
23. I love technology, and anything of tomorrow!
24. So I would definitely choose a pretty yet techy hybrid car over a BMW. (and that's why our family car is Prius btw)
25. I tell cold jokes, so a friend of mine renamed me as K冷.
lol at #22 XD
I use to 偷喝醬油 when I was small! Because I was craving salty taste.
Karen you are sooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!
#9...hahahah i've done the same thing. but i managed to get it out myself xD
hahha 醬油!? I know a lot of kids like 醬油拌飯...第一次聽到有偷喝醬油的
沒有啦~ 其實貼這些都還蠻 embarrassing 的 XD
哈 原來不是只有我是怪小孩啊...
小時候都不知道在想什麼 Orz
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