Friday, February 27, 2009

everything happened for a reason

死搭拉吉克 雖然徹底打亂了我近期的計畫

but everything happened for a reason

phpBB 的亂碼 讓我徹底摸清楚 how database work in real life example

rather than me taking cpsc 304 and learn about database through black and white slides

how i can search query in a table, and modify query
( oh i even see those so-called primary keys, and how they linked to postID or userID..etc)

how i can chunk up database and import tables myself

how important character collation is

how important it is to keep the database safe

how i shouldn't just save backup blindly from what i was being told, but look inside the file
(coz the entire database has always been 亂碼 ever since I start learning how to back it up)

there are more to the database, but i feel much familiar w/ it now XD

hmm thinking on the bright side makes me feel better
(reduce some of my grudge against 死搭拉吉克)

I'm glad we are finally leaving there

but 對大家帶來不便真的很抱歉 =[


Anonymous said...

karen辛苦了!!! 你最了不起了!!! T____T 抱歉我都沒幫上什麼忙QQ

Lawrence said...

Karen u supa IT head~ ^o^
(man, i totally donno what you talking about)

now you got stuff to talk at GM~

cuddlie said...

Karen 辛苦妳了!!!

不過說真的 如果不是因為 co-op
完全沒有碰 SQL 的經驗
現在妳去面試時可以很驕傲的說有 "hands-on" experience
而且很英勇的挑戰 club BBS migration 時碰到的種種問題 :)

Terry said...


K 冷 said...

不會啦! 妳手上也是一~大~堆~東西要弄呢! XD
分工合作阿~ =D

i'm not a supa IT head XD.. i can't fix it lol....

thanks erica!
其實多虧你, KK 和其他 IT 眾神,才給我信心 =]
haha 其實對 SQL 還是算略懂而已
(要等真的能整個完整修復時才敢說有摸過 XD" )

搞~砸~啦 T-----T
沒有 BBS 真的好不方便

Eden said...


Patty said...

KAREN 好棒!!!!!!!!!

nana said...

完全無法理解IT的世界(SQL!?XD),可是karen真的辛苦了! 加油加油~

K 冷 said...

thanks daisy, patty, and gina~ =]

希望弄得回來 XD