Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Interviewing w/ Microsoft

"No, we will not ask you why is the menhole cover round" - 保羅, one of the interviewer

haha i first heard this question from a CS prof back in my 2nd yr.. and then when i googled yesterday... iz also the first question appeared when u search for MS interviewing questions XD

the prep session starts off really casual... and funny

tho too bad my interviewer wasn't him.. seems like a nice guy XD

嗯.. 不過我知道要被入取是不太可能的
(還看到我的 grad TA 在那呢 哈哈..跟她聊了一下)

不過見見世面還是好的..順便習慣一下 CS 的 interviews

開學三個禮拜了...每個禮拜都會吃一次 pizza

Telus info session - Panago

Tri-mentoring program - Domino's

Microsoft prep - Pizza Hut

overall... originals 口味來講 hut 竟然是最好吃的 XDD (也比較油啦)

達美樂打了沒....在台灣很好吃..在加拿大...難吃的要命 Orz...

明天10點的 interview... 回來在寫後記吧

=========== the next day ====================

10點走進 office 還以為我是第一個..沒想到是第 3 個 XD

問了問 set questions: favorite team project & why MS?


旋凱: so write me a code in Binary Tree...

我大汗....至少有一年半沒碰 binary tree 了吧...用圖解我 okay... 寫 code 寫不出來啊 XD


結果換了一道簡單的 arraylist question (finding/removing duplicates in a sorted array)

之後還問 MSN 可以增加什麼 feature...


馬上我就想到一堆可以改進的地方 XD ((逃

ex. no feedback on jpeg transfer...and i don't like how the new version's jpeg transfer takes up the whole chatting dialogue

沒想到他下一題竟然問我 Network TCP 的東西!?
(i guess iz because it's related to the file transfer XD)

只好從記憶中挖一年前拿 317 的情景...大概講了下 TCP vs UDP and which one is good
(嚇死我耶..竟然考到 TCP 的東西..腦海頓時閃過小N 在 bbs 上提到的 msn vs wireshark)


不過考試時間真的是特別快啊 XD

我以為我考 10 分鐘就出來了..沒想到還是有混到 25 分鐘...

哈 interviewer 應該覺得今天這個人是來亂的吧...希望不會拖垮 UBC 的口碑 jkjk XD

that was an interesting experience~

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