Okay so now you can even PEEK underwater through "股溝"(quoted from 小N) Earth Orz...
it's both amazing and scary how 股溝 is evolving.....
next day you may even open doors, and walk into your own house XD.......haha jk..maybe?
but yeah.. my manager just showed me the other day, how she could use google map to walk in Newzeland, on the street, in front of her brother's house Orz
(scary, but i already tried that last yr on washington state's airport lol)
when will we get that in vancouver? XD... but seriously.. how did they do that!? walking on the street level
me peeking at the moon yesterday night...
不過什麼也沒看到...沒外星人, 沒嫦娥, 沒月兔, 沒阿波羅
They drove around in a car with a camera on its roof ;)
This is the cool car :)
360degree camera mounted! :D
WOW!!! so they did it the hardcore way XD
thanks for clearing up my mind guys~
havn't seen that around in vancouver yet
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