Tuesday, January 27, 2009

war @ UBC!?!?

oh no~ is this WWIII !?!?

其實是在 UBC Buchannan Tower 前拍攝 "X-Men Origins: Wolverine"

可惜今天去的時候已經在拆 set 了

聽我朋友說... 她朋友禮拜六晚上還在 Gage 聽到 explosions...

竟然趁假日才拍片.... we missed some big actions XD


Grace Lin said...

喔喔原來他們之前把那裡圍裡來是為了拍片喔!上禮拜GM開完後我跟 ivy & novem 因為烏漆媽黑的看不見路,就不小心闖進去.....結果黑暗之中就有個詭異謎之人蹦出來拿手電筒狂照我們,好可怕趕快落跑XDDD 那時還在想又沒construction為起來試想怎樣 (還記得ivy還說感覺那裡很適合拍電影,沒想到是真的... = =)

Anonymous said...

Wow thats cool! Too bad i dont have any classes close to Buchanan area.. so I didn't even see it T_T

But I just saw images on flickr! wow it's very elaborate lol


Patty said...

for such a big hollywood movie i have to say the set looks small and kinda crappy and fake... but i bet in the real movie it'll look awesome as usual~ the power of hollywood!!
i stood in the cold for 15 min on monday night with a bunch of people when it looked like something was about to happen, because someone was saying on the speaker "READY!!! GO GO GO!!", but nothing happened :(

K 冷 said...

哈哈 我們還故意走進去那個 set 耶~

wooooooooooooooow cool stuffs!!!!

aww i didn't get to see any real actions XD
did u hear any explosions on Sat night?