::the fun side of summer torture::
technology is always amazing and thats why i like computer science~
like today's topic on Multithreading
Paul brought in a robot and his "hacked" cell phone (lol)
After he turned on the bluetooth on his cell, it detected the robot
and then the fun began!
the robot was now controlled by a cell phone!!
he sent a signal to the robot turning left; the robot catched it and responsed back to the cell
after all this back and forth, the robot moved according to his directions
and all of the is done in JAVA! AMAZING!!
now when i think of a skytrain (being controlled by a computer)
it is actually just running on a bunch of methods ~~
if (approaching station == true){
while (speed <= 0) {
//then go in a while loop and decrement the speed
speed--; }
and walking back to the dark side of cpsc...
ahhh 2 midterms are just around the corner!!!
waaa so nice that paul brought in demos for the class!
不過你們現在就學 multithreading 啦
嗯 我們跳著上 XD
他說要給我們嘗試與以往不同的教法 = ="
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